Mel and I went to Carnegie cause we
Jokes aside, it was very satisfying meal maybe because pigs who earn salaries really do taste much better*just kidding people*. After the meal, I decided it was time to go home and my two
Which kinda reminded me of this cartoon...*don't worry guys I still love you*

We were suppose to go for an event in uni that night *I'm sorry jinn, cause when i heard the mc saying "musical chairs" i REALLY freaked out*. So, I dragged the two
The night ended well with the three of us having a nice cup of Suckao at Max Brenner *ah, reminiscence of the good old days in M'sia where eating out was a norm and not a luxury:(*
“Suckao is the espresso of the chocolate drinks.
It is a small, dense, concentrated shot of rich chocolate.
The term “Suckao” is made up of two words that describe
the utensil and the unique drink it contains:
Suck - to draw the dense liquid through the metal tube.
Kakao - the Spanish word for cocoa beans from which this rich
chocolate drink is made and which determine its quality.”
Tempting? Well, that's all for now folks. I shall leave you craving for chocs:)
kathryn u evil sheep... so i guess this post justifies me calling u the evil sheep and myself, the innocent wolf?
oh yes it so does...
of course're the evil wolf!!!i'm so innocent and fluffy:)
u need more solid arguments than reinstatements that u're innocent and fluffy girl... i'm not falling for that! muahahaha know that i'm innocent and you're just too blinded by your own evil wolf fur to see:)
i dont know whether to love you or hate you right now.
*raids fridge*
kath, see this
better look wolf !
aaron: hehe...chocs are the best..yum yum
sc: i can't go to the website..llx..btw..the real wolf is on
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